Children’s Foot Care

childrens feet

Our Doctors are trained in dealing with all the common foot conditions that affect the younger generation. Some of the most common childhood conditions include in-toeing, out-toeing, flatfeet, toe-walking, sudden refusal to walk, bowlegs, and knock-knee’s. These afflictions are so common that all together they will affect a child at some point during their devopement.

Some conditions such as bowlegs, knock-knee’s, and walking on the toes are acceptable, depending on a child’s developmental status. The same holds true with flat feet. Our well trained podiatrists will help guide you through your child’s development. Most of the adult foot ailments are present during childhood and even at birth. Our compassionate staff and dedicated doctors will make any parent and child feel comfortable during their visit.

We understand how important your childs overall health is, and are willing to guide you in the right direction. Many children with foot conditions do not complain of pain, which is why it is important to have your children examined by a podiatrist annually.

Many children and adolescents play more than one sport in the same season or compete on “travel” teams. These teams practice daily and play in tournaments almost every weekend which places excessive stress on young feet that may not be fully developed. When a child plays a sport which involves a lot of running, this may lead to over-use syndrome which may begin to cause pain in your children.

Despite what coaches and teammates might say, pain isn’t normal. If it lasts more than a few days and interferes with walking, seek medical attention. Playing with pain is risky. It can lead to chronic and painful foot and ankle conditions and future problems with their knees and lower back. Remember there is no such thing as “growing pains”.

Tips for Avoiding Overuse Injuries:

  1. Get the right shoes for the right sport. If you need help ask a shoe store representative or contact our office to speak with one of our doctors. No two feet are identical and some people may require more support than others.
  2. Don’t let a child wear hand-me-down shoes, despite the attractive cost savings.
  3. Before buying athletic footwear, be sure that shoes are well constructed and don’t bend in the middle of the sole. Have them fitted professionally.
  4. Don’t allow the child to wear cleated shoes on surfaces other than playing fields. They put too much pressure on the sole of the foot.
  5. Be sure the level of competition is within the child’s ability and overall stamina.
  6. Help overweight children lose excess pounds. Being too heavy puts excessive pressure on the feet.

Please contact us for more information!

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